Old Men

by Niel Donnelly Some tailored, haircut neat, most unkempt, forward bent, on the beach or on the street. Ah, those letters never sent.... * You leaned across the table with…

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Brain, inc.

by Kevin T McEneaney Your brain remains an obscure paradox: a huge filing cabinet of pictures, a lightning move in improvised chess game, an insouciant stroll in Spring downpour, a…

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Nightlife wonders

by Kevin T McEneaney Some insects are more active during night. There is as much pollination at night as compared to during daylight hours. * Nocturnal moths comprise the greatest…

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Ten commandments of the kitchen

by Kevin T McEneaney When in doubt consult a cookbook, but do not be a fundamentalist.Remember salt is your best friend, yet an overly generous amount will undo your friendship.Never…

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by Kevin T McEneaney A single eukaryote began the worldby eating bacteria, divided,started the process of evolution. * How that happened we do not know at all,but that is how…

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by Kevin T McEneaney Earth endured a marriage made in heavenwhen protoplanet Theia collidedwith earth shortly after the earth was bornabout 4.5 billion years ago.Wandering Theia was the size of…

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A Little Poison

by William Keller A red eft crosses the rail trail, slowly,gravel big as boulders to his elbowedlegs. When I approach, he freezes –not camouflaged, but bright as an autumnleaf, gold eye-rings…

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How it is

by Kevin T McEneaney The known laws of nature did not exist until the Big Bang exploded in light and darkness, which has greater gravity. There are unusual structures out…

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by Kevin T McEneaney The syntax of spring has sprung its magic while tongue can sing its glad astonishment at bulbs bursting into varied color when slight showers bead yellow…

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by Neil Donnelly “Let us leave pretty women to men without Imagination” – Marcel Proust a tree, a sunset, sunrise; baby’s gurgle, a goalkeeper’s diving penalty save, a waterfall, singing…

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