Why satire

by Kevin T McEneaney Satire offers caustic, poetic soap cleansing tongue and cerebral cortex from the influence of boring cliché that accretes on watching television like gluttonous plaque clogging flow…

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The Trump Commandments

Moses breaks the tablets of the law after coming down from Mount Sinai and finding the children of Israel worshipping the golden calf: 'Moses ' anger waxed hot, and he…

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by Kevin T McEneaney If our moon was not up there shining light in the middle of the shadowy night, the earth would wobble and shake so much that humans…

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Foreign Languages

by Kevin T McEneaney Did you know flowers speak to bumblebees by way of electrical impulses? When a flower has not attracted bees, it gives off static electricity which pulls…

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The laughing animal

by Kevin T McEneaney In the nineteenth century, we thought we were more intelligent than animals, and that we were not animals ourselves. * In the twentieth century, we thought…

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by Bill Keller Beginning in May, we take feeders out  each morning, bring them in again at dusk; tall cylinders of sugar water,  some straight, some with a waist — …

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by Kevin T McEneaney I, who sang of quantum physics and light, now baritone on the sport of soccer: of the stop-gap ball block before a pass that zips upfield…

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On the tongue

by Kevin T McEneaney I, who sang of love and chemistry, now sing the glories of strawberry jam without maligning other flavored jams. (I speak of only homemade jams, not…

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When Old is New

by Kevin T McEneaney I’ve heard folks make fun of Homer and his “rosy-fingered dawn” trope, but those who say such things have little appreciation of dawn: its pristine hope,…

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Playing dice

by Kevin T McEneaney Does an infinity really exist? One runs into invisible quarks. One cannot divide space infinitely, yet space certainly can be quantified. * What happens if you…

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