Balourdet Quartet Charms at Bard Olin Hall

by Kevin T McEneaney The quartet is named after the noted chef Antoine Baldourdet at the Taos Music School in New Mexico with whom they bonded over music and food.…

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Elevator Repair Service Adopts & Adapts Ulysses

by Kevin T McEneaney Elevator Repair Service, an experimental Soho acting troupe founded in 1991, launched its theatrical production of Ulysses by James Joyce at the Luma Theater of Bard…

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Ten commandments of the kitchen

by Kevin T McEneaney When in doubt consult a cookbook, but do not be a fundamentalist.Remember salt is your best friend, yet an overly generous amount will undo your friendship.Never…

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Euclid Quartet Hypnotic at Music Mountain

The Euclid Quartet bears the name of someone who underpins nearly everyone's life. Euclid's Elements (two volumes) is the third best-selling book in the history of the world. Almost every…

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Isidore Quartet Soars at Bard Olin Hall

Last Saturday evening at Bard's Olin Hall the Isidore Quartet opened with one of Franz Joseph Haydn's "Sun" quartets, Op. 20, no.2 in C Major (1772), one of the six…

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Baldouret Quartet Shines at Music Mountain

by Kevin T McEneaney With cumulus clouds scudding through blue skies at Music Mountain, the Baldouret Quartet created their own musical sunlight at Gordon Hall with a diversified menu. The…

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by Kevin T McEneaney A single eukaryote began the worldby eating bacteria, divided,started the process of evolution. * How that happened we do not know at all,but that is how…

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Espressivo! Delivers Deep Emotion at Bard College

by Kevin T McEneaney Last Saturday Espressivo! quartet at Bard College Olin Hall opened with Piano Quartet C Minor (1821-22); written at the age of thirteen, this was Felix…

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by Kevin T McEneaney Earth endured a marriage made in heavenwhen protoplanet Theia collidedwith earth shortly after the earth was bornabout 4.5 billion years ago.Wandering Theia was the size of…

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Beethoven’s Legacy at Music Mountain

In Falls Village, CT, Music Mountain's Season Opening Benefit Concert was introduced by Director Oskar Espina Ruiz. This was an unusual program designed by pianist Benjamin Hochman, world-renowned Steinway Artist,…

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