
by Kevin T McEneaney

Like the turkey, prehistoric flyers

were not adept at aerial soaring

any more than beginning choirs

at a small church with smattering

of ambition rooted in devotion

to God, aesthetics, and community.


We forgive the bumbling locomotion

of farm-fattened Thanksgiving turkey,

just as we forgive ourselves for eating

words not uttered in good faith or justice.


As we must apologize for killing

the galumphing turkey, we dismiss,

by grace of God, our own faults and failings,

hoping our community will prosper

while aiding those poor or ailing.



When it comes to food, we all may falter

by taking an extra tasty portion,

yet grace never leads to indigestion.


Turkey, not warlike eagle, said Franklin,

should be our peaceful national emblem.