Bees in Peril

by Kevin T McEneaney

Welcome to the microscopic venue!

Bumblebees remain in massive decline.

Maine, New Hampshire, Idaho, Wyoming,

North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island,

and Vermont no longer have bumblebees…

There’s only one-percent left in New York.

Welcome to the microscopic venue!

Bumblebees remain in massive decline.

Maine, New Hampshire, Idaho, Wyoming,

North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island,

and Vermont no longer have bumblebees…

There’s only one-percent left in New York.

Many die of Crithidia bombi

infection, a feces (shit) parasite.

What can you do? Plant and raise sunflowers!

Sunflowers reduce a bee’s infection.

Kevin T McEneaney

Authronof The Enclosed Garden, Longing, and other books