The Last Wave from Port Chicago by Peter Vogel 2025, edition compiled by Walter Wilkinson.
This electronic book on the 10,000-pound nuclear Gadget exploded offers a summary version of Peter Vogel’s massive work on the first nuclear ball of fire explosion on the eastern bay of San Francisco (1944). This electronic book presents the first detailed mathematical formulation of what became the nuclear bomb before its testing in Western deserts.
Peter Vogel composed a mammoth PDF 420-page book account in 2001, yet that report was subsequently repressed. This easily navigated Kindle format with illustrations contains two parts: the first mathematical calculations on a very large sheet of paper, plus the entire contents of Vogel’s PDF. All details of Peter Vogel’s life have been erased by the U.S. government.
The 1944 San Francisco proof-bomb test was called the “Port Chicago” explosion; its unexpected force took the lives of 321 military personnel. An aftermath investigation revealed negligent observance of protocols.
Wilkinson has provided succinct chapter summaries of Vogel’s work that enable a reader to find quickly passages that a non-specialist or a specialist to consult. The book follows a long arc: from the attack on Pearl Harbor to meetings with Edward Taylor and numerous others who worked on the atomic bomb project to the explosion itself, the aftermath analysis of crater impact, historical context, the use of enriched uranium and plutonium, special thermal liquids and other scientific breakthroughs, the aftermath court investigation, the political landscape, key characters, and a concise timeline of events.
Wilkinson has also provided appendixes on the people involved, events, documents, weapons, and scientific processes.
There is a free link to download at https://atomic-secrets.org/jan-5-2025-pre-publication/