Moses breaks the tablets of the law after coming down from Mount Sinai and finding the children of Israel worshipping the golden calf: ‘Moses ‘ anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.’ (Exodus 32 : 19 – 20). Drawn by Gustave Doré, French artist, b January 6, 1832, January 23, 1883. Engraved by Hotelin. (Photo by Culture Club/Getty Images)
You shall have no other candidate to compare to me.
You must purchase my Bible with my signature.
If you malign my reputation, I will sue you into poverty.
You must attend my Sunday rallies and worship me.
If your father or mother is a Democrat, forget about them.
You may murder immigrants for any reason.
You may do what you want with your neighbor’s wife, but don’t mess with me.
If you don’t send me a campaign donation, our country will be destroyed and look like Detroit.