Look, the Midges!

by Kevin T. McEneaney Midsummer midges fly frantic in sun. swarming in dancing-mating ritual with frenzy akin to a packed night club featuring a super-decibel band. While most midges are…

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Warriors All

by Kevin T. McEneaney Between Athens and Thebes, the grand highway had three hundred sixty-five stone statues of philosophers, poets, and dramatists. Thebans and Romans destroyed those statues.   Empires…

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Carbon Dioxide and Mental Health

Carbon dioxide emissions by Bill Schlesinger With a lethal concentration for humans of about 10%, the current concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere, 0.04%, would seem to pose only…

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Ferlinghetti Memo

by Kevin T. McEneaney When I was young and excited as a dandelion seed, there was no “Coney Island of the Mind.” There was a real, swinging carnival in Brooklyn…

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Nitrogen in Runoff

by Bill Schlesinger Among the tools of the “green revolution,” that has increased crop yields worldwide and allows us to fed nearly 8 billion people, are breeding and genetic modifications…

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One-quarter Billion BC

by Kevin T. McEneaney That green cicada on my window screen with its bright bulging eyes set wide apart is impressive: gaze into its large eye— witness a powerful self-confidence!…

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Heavenly Falconry

by Kevin T. McEneaney The Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital beckons for the serious falconer fascinated by quick celestial surgery on a falcon’s fibular. Over eleven thousand falcons come yearly for…

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Can we harvest our way to a better climate?

by Bill Schlesinger As many policy groups—such as Maine’s Climate Council—try to grapple with effective responses to the ongoing global changes in climate, interest has focused on harvesting vegetation as…

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Late Ravel and Debussy at Stissing Center

by Kevin T. McEneaney Achille-Claude Debussy (1862-1918) and the Basque Frenchman Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) were great life-long competitors who respected each other, yet Debussy died younger from cancer, having composed…

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Delightful Music in Kent

Susan Rotholz by Kevin T. McEneaney While there are no classical music live concerts in our area, The Sherman Ensemble gave a live-audience concert in Kent at Kent Barns near…

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