Lyrical Poetry died because

by Kevin T. McEneaney replaced by tv dating game shows food recipes replaced intimacy alliteration and assonance abandoned as artificial affectation it was deemed sentimental when compared to pornography romance…

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by Desmond Egan   exhausted banging buzzing how baffled he is as he crawls is crawling against the pane of all the bright beyond   watch that web          …

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On the tip of

The tongue, a most interesting organ. Without a tongue we would speak with fingers. Tongueless, food would not be appetizing, lovers would not taste their beloved’s flavor. Imagine drinking wine…

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by Kevin T McEneaney When scent of lilacs lilt in Spring air, it’s time to retrieve pick-ax, spade, and hoe to plant various seeds, tubers, and bushes. Working in mellow…

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Household Rules

by Kevin T. McEneaney Thou shalt not permit dust bunnies larger than a basketball to accumulate in any room. Thou shalt not stuff the refrigerator with moldy mushrooms or rotten,…

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A Walk in Spring

by Bill Keller I skied these woods when snow was deep, learned about its slopes and shadows, the openings between the trees that were sketchpads for my double lines. Threading…

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The Great Cloak

by Kevin T McEneaney Just as physicists play with duration, light, and the vast concept of space itself, so do poets when they are most sober gazing into the heart…

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Transformational Tilt

by Kevin T. McEneaney “You can think of the entire environment jiggling, vibrating,”—Quantum physicist Louis Slocombe   That gradual tilt toward warmer weather with sunny daffodil days and birdsong symphony…

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Leg World

by Kevin T. McEneaney Welcome the leafhopper into your life, an insect with twenty thousand species dressed in varied, rainbow striping.   What would life be like if humans harbored…

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On Writing

by Kevin T. McEneaney After a few versions a poet may take satisfaction in the work done while hoping the next poem will be better than the last when the…

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