The Mellow Glow of Memory

The Mellow Glow of Memory

LAPTOP by Desmond Egan. Goldsmith Press, 2024. Book Review. by Kevin T McEneaney Desmond Egan was the first post-modern poet in Ireland when he published his book, Midlands in 1972. He eschewed traditional punctuation and rhyme from the outset, preferring ...
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Poetry & Sex

Poetry & Sex

The Poetry of Sex: From Sappho to Carol Ann Duffy by Brian Arkins. Peter Lang, 133 pages, 2023. Reviewed by Kevin T McEneaney The bibliography of this book has more books cited than there are pages in this densely written ...
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Local History: What a Read!

Local History: What a Read!

Historic Tales of the Harlem Valley: Life at the End of the Line. Tonia Shoumatoff. History Press, 2023, 202 pages. by Kevin T. McEneaney I admit I am not a local history buff, yet Tonia Shoumatoff’s book is written with ...
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When the vacuum is full

When the vacuum is full

by Kevin T McEneaney Empty American Letters: the Bulgarian novel by Thomas McGonigle. Spuyten Duyvil Press. 316 pages, 2022. Pub. Oct 6, 2022. There is nothing empty here in McGonigle’s sixth novel, unless it’s the empty vacuum American pop culture ...
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Will the real Quichotte Please Stand UP?

Will the real Quichotte Please Stand UP?

After Salman Rushdie's lecture on composing his his novel Quichotte (the proper period pronunciation is in the title, before the royal lisp was adopted) at Bard College Sosnoff Theater, I went backstage, chatted with him; he was open, amusing, his ...
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Believing in Art

Believing in Art

Towards a Credo. Brian Arkins. Little Gull Publishers. 36 pages. 2022. Reviewed by Kevin T McEneaney Brian Arkins is not only Ireland’s leading Greek and Latin scholar, he is also well-known for shedding light on Irish poetry, plays, and Anglo-Irish ...
When the last are first

When the last are first

New and Selected Poems, 1996-2020. Donald Gardner. Grey Suit. 225 pages. Reviewed by Kevin T McEneaney One of the reasons most people don’t read poetry is that poets take themselves too seriously: serious about their craft, subjects chosen, their advanced ...
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Outside Looking In

Outside Looking In

Book cover: The Subway, painting by José Clemente Orozco (1928) This is the first installment of reviews of lesser-known books which mainstream publications are likely to overlook. The Bulgarian Psychiatrist by Thomas McGonigle. Spuyten Duyvil Press. 2022. 116 pages. $18 ...
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Antics of a Shamanic Librarian

Antics of a Shamanic Librarian

Book cover From Deadbeat to Dean: Underground: A Memoir. Peter McDonald. Library Juice Press, Sacramento, CA, 2022. by Tonia Shoumatoff Peter McDonald’s saga about his peregrinations from punk rock promoter to dean of a major university library system in California ...
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Homer's Odyssey, Book One

Homer’s Odyssey, Book One

In 1991 I acquired the paperback edition of A Commentary on Homer’s Odyssey by Stephen Huebeck, Stephanie West, and J.B. Hainsworth, which had first appeared in hardback from Clarendon in 1988. I spent two years doing my own translation. Since ...