Delightful Music in Kent

Susan Rotholz by Kevin T. McEneaney While there are no classical music live concerts in our area, The Sherman Ensemble gave a live-audience concert in Kent at Kent Barns near…

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Benjamin Hochman’s Lyric Touch at Stissing Center

Photo by Jennifer Taylor by Kevin T. McEneaney On Saturday afternoon at the new Stissing Center in Pine Plains on live-stream broadcast pianist Benjamin Hochman performed Klavierstück, Op. 119 by…

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Magic Emanating from Stissing Center

By Kevin T. McEneaney The Stissing Center—like many other music and theatre venues—has opened its doors via the Internet. The Saturday evening concert at 4:30 pm featured soprano Lucy Fitz…

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Da Capo: On the Edge of What’s New

Da Capo Chamber players last Tuesday night, March 10, at the Lászlo Z. Bitó Conservatory Building, provided a program titled CELEBRATE BARD! All the works performed were by Bard Faculty…

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Yuja Wang

It’s rare that these two superstars play on succeeding weeks in the same city, but the fates gave us a treat. Yuja played to a packed house Friday, February 28…

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