The Wonder of Frost

by Kevin T McEneaney White rime on the grass this frosty morning When you caress frost, it melts quickly Mid-winter can produce frost on your nose Children are fascinated by…

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The Ultimate Art

by Kevin T McEneaney There are times in life when one must relax; that remains part of the pattern of life. Pundits say relaxation is an art, yet pundits practice…

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What size is your shoe?

by Kevin T McEneaney Can you ever measure too many things? Of course, not! Civilization itself is based on the convention of measure. Without secure standard there is chaos, cheating,…

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On a string

by Kevin T McEneaney Believe it or not—it’s on a Greek dish, a young boy of ten dangling a yo-yo! The dish: from 440 BC…. Every household apparently had one:…

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by Kevin T McEneaney Gray fog-blanket surrounding house, garden Wonder if fog has seeped into my brain My own history appears lost in fog Difficult to recall my whole childhood…

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Storm Damage

photo by Bill Keller by Bill Keller Don’t tell me bloodied but unbowedor even bent but unbroken. Green leaves aren’t meant for the ground;arched trunks want to straighten.What didn’t kill them still…

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Autumn Aura

by Kevin T McEneaney When air wafts gusty cool in mature autumn while fallen leaves crinkle yellow, orange, making a shushing sound ground underfoot as hum of insects vanish from…

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by Phillip Brady The grip of a cold East Wind on the chest, When you and the road are both going West. When you stop for a chat with nothing…

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Second Chance Mantra

Violet-tailed Sylph If reincarnation were to be true (alas, it is but a children’s fable), one could become a violet-tailed sylph, which is a snazzy blue-green hummingbird flitting on western…

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Double Play

by Kevin T McEneaney Watching baseball is like writing a poem. There are exciting hits or vivid lines…. Minutes may elongate into boredom for the fan, or poet not scribbling…

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