Meditation on snow

by Kevin T McEneaney During decent winter snow-flaking fall, there is a consoling, naïve silence that expands the length of every second as snowflakes fall with improvisation while fickle winds…

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Poor Ophelia!

by Kevin T McEneaney On that solemn Ash Wednesday when we recall we all are but dust, Hamlet meditated on the death of his father, confronting the king who poisoned…

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Valentine musings

by Kevin T McEneaney Valentine’s Day is like when a lonely chair by the road is picked up by a handyman who repairs it, then places the chair by a…

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One is really two

by Kevin T McEneaney In quantum theory an atom can be in two places at the same moment, say, New York City and San Francisco; a poet can be in…

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In old Paree

by Kevin T McEneaney True! Paris is a cynical city with jokes about stupid politicians, the ignorance of the hordes of tourists, waitresses most willing to pad your bill, mean…

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The Iliad of plants

        by Kevin T McEneaney When a plant blooms once in a century, you know that something special is going on…. - In barren highlands of Bolivia, as well as…

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On wisdom

by Kevin T McEneaney In a world where data oversupply is paramount, is it possible wisdom may become more arcane, harder to achieve in an algorithmic world? - Will algorithms…

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by Kevin T McEneaney Christmas comes but once a year. We wish more, but if Christmas came every single day, it would no longer be Christmas at all. - Sometimes…

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by Kevin T McEneaney A semblance of eternity is found: in pricking raindrops falling on your head, number of grass blades that you have stepped on, number of seeds you…

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Poetry is electricity in words

by Kevin T McEneaney We are all bio-electric beings. There is a current leaping through our brains, as there is in all cellular life forms (discovered by Luigi Galvani in…

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